The Library

I've been asked to introduce this little poseurs fiction...he's a bastard, don't know why this is my responsibility...anyway.


Here's his freaking "dramatic" pieces...basically, they're depressing. I wouldn't read them if I were you-

You know, the point is to keep people on the page...Ignore him, folks. This is basically the serious stuff. I'd put a big old PG13 sign in front of this, mostly because the characters in here sometimes swear, kill, and/or muse on the purpose of life. Kids might not get it...


This is the "funny" stuff. Apparently, Marduk can make "jokes" and "amuse" people with his "writing." Not much better than his drama.

That's it; you're not going to do this anymore. Folks, this is the humorous works. It can get a little odd in here, so try to enlarge your sense of humor before you click on the link.

The Just Plain Weird

This is the stuff that I find on the internet, television, or school. Basically, an odd collection of things. *NEW!* I've also added some logs from PokeMUSH, an on-line RPG I belong to. Take a look at them!

I wouldn't go here unless you've got a really strong stomach. Or you're as weird as he is.

Stay tuned for more fiction by me!
But don't hold your breath; it doesn't make him write any faster.